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Planning matters and gaining planning consent can be a very technical mine field.


At Wignall's we specialise in rural planning and offer a wide range of services to clients advising on a wide range of matters such as agricultural, commercial and residential planning matters. 


Medical & Commercial


We work alongside Private Landlords, Tenants, Doctors GP surgeries, Dentists, Pharmacies and the NHS, providing specialist leasehold advice including rent reviews, end of tenancy matters and valuations.


Our combined experience in excess of 30 years offers our clients a wealth of knowledge to make sound and reasoned decisions from. Whether dilapidations or sorting out your next rent review, let our team take your stress away.

home buyer reports

Whether you want a Level 1, 3 or 3 home buyer report or survey, our Surveyors will make sure your next home is one you can feel safe in. 


Having a home buyer report is one of the soundest financial decisions you can make. Why spend hundreds of thousands on a property to find out there are multiple issues on the horizon? With a Home Buyer Report we alert you to any short, medium or long term potential issues putting you on the front foot in your negotiations.  


GRants & Subsidies

Finding income on farm can be very difficult with all the unknowns and varying factors. 


We keep up to date on matters and specialise in assisting you with applications for grants and subsidies


Examples include Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS), the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), basic payment scheme, countryside stewardship, and Farming Transformation Fund. 

utilities, wayleaves & easements

We offer a broad range of services whether negotiating access, submitting compensation claims or managing utility schemes to mitigate any implications a scheme may have on you as land owner or tenant. 


We cover all utility works including gas & water pipelines, 

electricity schemes, highways, rail and telecoms.

other services include

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